The New Standard
ATM security
Safe guarding cash machines
Complete ATM security at your fingertips with our cutting-edge system
With over 98% success in protection and prevention from theft, Jar tracking is the only solution in the market providing unmatched flexible solution at a low TCO and immediate ROI.
We work closely with leading ATM manufacturers and operators, securing approximately 15,000 Assets.
With over 98% success in protection and prevention from theft, Jar tracking is the only solution in the market providing unmatched flexible solution and a real-time alarm, tracking and monitoring system
Low TCO Immediate ROI
With extremely low Total cost of ownership, you will enjoy immediate ROI and a peace of mind, knowing your assets are protected
Easy Installation
Super fast, easy installation and maintenance. JAR Tracking solution saves time and manpower
Flexible And Dynamic
As the threats change all the time, JAR tracking system is flexible, agile and dynamic, providing new protection solutions to new threats.

We Take Pride in Our Numbers
Years of Experience
Assets Protected
Countries World Wide
Our Partners
